When selling your things that you no longer need, you are certainly primarily interested in the price you can achieve. However, in addition to the sale proceeds, factors such as the speed of finding a buyer and the associated effort also have an influence on the decision to sell.

As there are now several online buying platforms in addition to traditional buying shops, we endeavour to offer you as a customer at ZOXS.de very special advantages. And as these may not be obvious before a sale, we would like to introduce you to some of these benefits here.

  1. We offer you fixed and high prices.
  2. Your sale is completed quickly and easily.
  3. We buy many different products, so you can sell everything at once!
  4. You can view the status of your order transparently at any time.
  5. You can benefit from our unique bonus system.
  6. We convince through years of experience.

Here you can find all the advantages with us.